Reducing caffeine for treatment of arrhythmias - myth or evidence-based medicine?

Take Home Messages
  • Patients with suspected or confirmed cardiac arrhythmias are often advised to limit caffeine intake
  • Animal studies have demonstrated that very high doses of caffeine is associated with increased susceptibility to arrhythmias
  • However, current available evidence do not suggest that there is an increased risk of arrhythmias with caffeine in human subjects

Cardiac arrhythmias are frequently encountered in isolation or associated with other conditions (eg. hyperthyroidism, sepsis, myocardial infarction, cardiac surgery). The term encompasses a range of disorders from benign premature atrial or ventricular complexes to malignant tachycardias such as ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation. In clinical practice, patients with a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmia are often advised to limit their intake of caffeine, which can be an important source of enjoyment and have significant impact on their overall quality of life. Furthermore patients are exposed to news headlines such as “Teen dies from too much caffeine, coroner says.”(1) In this review, we will explore the association between caffeine intake and arrhythmias to evaluate whether providing such advice is truly justified.


Caffeine is a methylxanthine compound related to theophylline that is able to stimulate the sympathetic nervous system through a variety of different mechanisms. Its effects include non-selective competitive antagonism of adenosine receptors that are responsible for cardiovascular regulation and increasing cytosolic calcium concentrations by blocking reuptake of calcium into the sarcoplasmic reticulum.(2)

The caffeine content in standard beverages is summarised in Table 1.(3,4)

DrinksCaffeine content (mg)
Starbucks Hot Chocolate25
Green tea29
Black tea47
Instant coffee57
Red Bull energy drink76
Shot of espresso77
Nespresso capsule - except Kazaar50 - 80
Starbucks - Caffe Latte or Cappuccino150
Monster energy drink160
Brewed coffee163

Table 1. Caffeine content in beverages

Previous studies have demonstrated that very high doses of caffeine in animals increased susceptibility to both supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias.(5–7)

However, the results from human trials are less convincing with many studies showing no increase in arrhythmia burden or symptoms despite high doses of caffeine.(8–16) Some of these negative studies included patients with known arrhythmias(12,14,16), reduced ejection fraction heart failure(8) and recent myocardial infarction.(17) One large epidemiological study did show increased incidence of ventricular premature beats with caffeine. However, it was performed almost 4 decades ago and the association was found only in patients who ingested very high doses of caffeine (≥9 cups of coffee per day).(18) Studies demonstrating a lower risk of arrhythmias with caffeine are sparse. A recent study of 1,475 healthy patients found a lower incidence of atrial fibrillation with caffeine intake of >320mg per day.(19) A summary of published trials can be found in Table 2.

No increased risk with caffeine   
Zuchinali et al (8)201651No increase in arrhythmias with ingestion of 500mg caffeine in patients with reduced ejection fraction heart failure
Conen et al (9)201033,638No increased risk of AF in healthy females
Frost et al (10)200547,949No increased risk of AF or atrial flutter in healthy patients
Newby et al (11)199613No change in symptoms or frequency of VPB with caffeine restriction in patients with symptomatic idiopathic VPBs
Chelsky et al (12)199022No increase in inducibility or severity of arrhythmias in patients with previous ventricular arrhythmias
Myers et al (13)199035No increase in ventricular arrhythmias with ingestion of 450mg caffeine in recent MI patients
Graboys et al (14)198950No increase in arrhythmias with ingestion of 200mg caffeine during stress test in patients with malignant arrhythmias
Newcombe et al (15)198818No increase in arrhythmias with ingestion of 1mg/kg caffeine every 30 minutes during all waking hours in healthy patients
Myers et al (17)198770No increase in frequency or severity of ventricular arrhythmias with ingestion of 300mg caffeine in recent MI patients
DeBacker et al (20)197981No decrease in VPB frequency with abstinence from caffeine in healthy males
Clee et al (16)197950No increase in dysarrhythmias with caffeine ingestion in elderly patients (>60 years old) with a high incidence of ectopic beats, supraventricular tachycardia and sinus arrest
Increased risk with caffeine   
Sutherland et al (21)198518Increased frequency of VPB with ingestion of 1mg/kg caffeine in patients with frequent VPB at baseline
Prineas et al (18)19807311Ingestion of ≥9 cups of coffee per day is associated with 2x the prevalence of VPBs, compared to ≤2 cups of coffee per day in healthy patients
Lower risk with caffeine   
Casiglia et al (19)20181475Lower incidence of AF with higher caffeine intake (>320mg per day) in healthy patients

Table 2. Studies evaluating the effects of caffeine on arrhythmias. AF = atrial fibrillation; VPB = ventricular premature beats; MI = myocardial infarction

The European Society of Cardiology (ESC)(22,23) and American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association/Heart Rhythm Society (ACC/AHA/HRS)(24) guidelines for supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias do suggest that patients should be advised to avoid stimulants such as caffeine. However, this is in the context of benign arrhythmias only, with no references provided.

With conflicting results from several studies, it is not surprising that physicians may choose to remain cautious and advise at-risk patients to reduce their caffeine intake. However, as with all clinical decisions, the patient’s views should be respected and any envisaged benefits should be balanced against potential impact to their quality of life. Additionally, it should be done in light of current available evidence that do not suggest an increased risk of arrhythmias with caffeine. However, there may remain a minority of patients who exhibit a clear relationship between arrhythmia onset and burden with caffeine intake. In such patients, it would seem appropriate to avoid caffeine.


Overall the evidence do not suggest that reducing or avoiding caffeine intake will reduce the risk of arrhythmias.

  1. Lynch J, Goldschmidt D. Teen dies from too much caffeine, coroner says. CNN Health [Internet]. 2017; Available from:
  2. Glatter KA, Myers R, Chiamvimonvat N. Recommendations regarding dietary intake and caffeine and alcohol consumption in patients with cardiac arrhythmias: what do you tell your patients to do or not to do? Curr Treat Options Cardiovasc Med. 2012 Oct;14(5):529–35.
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  15. Newcombe PF, Renton KW, Rautaharju PM, Spencer CA, Montague TJ. High-dose caffeine and cardiac rate and rhythm in normal subjects. Chest. 1988 Jul;94(1):90–4.
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